Sunday - June 11
Good afternoon family and friends! I want to give you all a quick update as we transition from school activities to summer. So our kiddos were done with school on Wednesday June 7 at 10:45. Branden and Stacey finished with exams this week and Rachelle finished elementary school (again:)!). At 11:30 Rachelle had a beautiful graduation ceremony and then she, Stacey and I had shakes and cheesecake at a coffee house to celebrate. Branden had a class party that afternoon and I will get to Jeff in the next paragraph. Stacey had a beautiful graduation as well, Friday night she graduated from high school and then was able to celebrate with her classmates with a formal reception at the Holiday Inn.
I had to say goodbye to a fabulous PK2 class, but they are ready for Kindergarten. It was a great year and I am happy that I will get to see them in Kinder next year and welcome a new class of PK2.
Jeff has had a much rougher end of the school year. On May 22 during a school soccer intramurals game, he injured his knee. The orthopedic surgeon was out of town, so he used crutches for a week. He saw the Dr. on Thursday June 1; had a MRI on Saturday June 3; went back to the Dr. on Monday, June 5; had a pre op physical that afternoon; blood work done on Tuesday, June 6; surgery on Wednesday, June 7! In between all of these appointments, he finished his math classes with reviews and help sessions after school. He gave his last exams on Tuesday the 6th, graded them and did what he could for his end of the year checklist. The good news is that the surgery went very well and he was even able to attend the graduation celebrations on Friday night.
Tuesday we fly out of Managua in the morning, arrive in Chicago in the afternoon and drive to Sioux Falls that evening. It is a start to a busy and exciting summer. We will be visiting with family and friends, catching up with church families, attending bridal showers and planning a wedding while in the States.
Prayer Praises and Requests:
1. Thanksgiving for a wonderful first year experience here in Nicaragua.
2. Thanks for a great end of the school year and two graduations.
3. Thanks for relationships.
4. Healing for Jeff's knee and a quick recovery as he goes through PT.
5. Safety in traveling this summer.
6. Prayers that I can get rid of lice again.
7. God's blessings on wedding preparations and ceremony.
8. Prayers for mission supporters as we move into our second year.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!
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